
9 Results / Page 1 of 1


todayDecember 8, 2021

  • 674
  • 196

Cyber security + Global news admin_scs

What Is Threat Hunting And How To Get Started?

INTRODUCTION: The process of identifying security issues manually or by using automated tools is known as threat hunting. Threat hunters require advanced knowledge of cybersecurity tools, penetration testing, programming languages, etc. So that they can use their tools in detecting threats accurately. The experts may also have ample knowledge related ...

todayDecember 1, 2021

  • 227
  • 124

Blockchain admin_scs

Managed Detection And Response (MDR) Guide To Staying Safe With 3 Acts

MANAGED DETECTION AND RESPONSE: In 1971, Bob Thomas, a computer researcher, created a program called “Creeper”, which traveled between mainframe computers systems connected to the ARPANET. It showed the message, “I’m the creeper: catch me if you can.” FROM IDEA TO EVIL The “first-mover advantage” in chess is innately fancied ...

todayNovember 17, 2021

  • 214
  • 158

Cyber security + Global news admin_scs

Extended Detection And Response- What It Is And Why It’s A Critical Component Of Security Strategy?

INTRODUCTION: XDR stands for Extended Detection and Response. It is based on SaaS(the service of providing applications over the internet). It is a vendor-specific, security threat detection and event response tool which inherently integrates many security products and items that merge all the licensed increments into a compatible security operations ...

todayNovember 10, 2021

  • 498
  • 193

Cybercrime admin_scs

10 Ways To Prevent Computer Security Threats From Insiders.

INTRODUCTION: The threat is something that exploits a system’s vulnerability that causes the data to breach and possibly harm our system. Threats can be intentional or accidental. Intentional threats are those which are caused due to some harmful decision or done purposely to damage the organization. These threats include theft ...

todayNovember 3, 2021

  • 190
  • 128

Blockchain admin_scs

How To Protect Your Small Business From Cyber Threats?

INTRODUCTION: A cyber threat is a malicious act that looks around to damage and steal data or disrupts digital life in general. Cyber threats are also known as the possibility of a successful cyberattack that aims to gain unauthorized access to our computers, damage, disrupt, or steal an information technology ...

todayOctober 20, 2021

  • 307
  • 188

Blockchain admin_scs

Vulnerability Scanning In Cyber Security

INTRODUCTION: A vulnerability scan is an evaluation of viable security vulnerabilities and risks in systems, internal and external networks, and communication appliances that can be utilized by cybercriminals. It can also be defined as identifying flaws and risks in the software system.It is an automated scheme that scans infrastructure targets ...

todayOctober 13, 2021

  • 126
  • 117

Ransomware admin_scs

Are Password Managers Safe To Use?

INTRODUCTION: A password manager is an application or computer program that allows user to store their passwords. Different password managers contain different functionalities like some managers save passwords just on current devices while some synchronize our passwords across different devices. Some managers not only save the passwords but also generate ...

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